Environmental Sustainability
Social Prosperity
Corporate Governance


Zero flight safety accidents and protecting customer privacy are the basis for creating sustainable customer value, and service quality is a key element of China Airlines' sustainable operations.


Zero accidents is the foundation for creating sustainable value for customers. Therefore, providing reliable and safe service is not only the core value of CAL, but also our way to sustainability. As a professional transportation service provider, the sustainable operations of CAL depends on the quality of transportation service provided. To create sustainable value for customers, CAL is dedicated to protecting customers' privacy, providing premium service that meets their expectations and needs, and continuing optimizing the quality of service.

Flight Safety

Safety is the core value of CAL and our absolute commitment to customers. We always take a consistent and uncompromising stand on flight safety. With a zero tolerance on flight safety accidents, CAL has comprehensive control over flight safety through management systems. CAL continuously improves overall flight safety and endeavors to reinforce the corporate culture of safety to make sure that securities are fully in place to provide passengers with safe and reliable flights.

Safety Policy Statement

Safety Management System (SMS)

CAL follows the requirements in the civil aviation regulations of Taiwan and references the guidelines in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) DOC. 9859 Safety Management Manual (SMM). CAL has implemented the Safety Management System (SMS) since 2007, and undergoes re-certification audits every two years in accordance with IATA regulations to maintain its commitment to flight safety. CAL met the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) standards for the 11th time in 2022 (the next certification will be in 2024), and is currently preparing to undergo the newly introduced, more rigorous IOSA certification process by IATA (Risk-based IOSA) in 2024. This proactive approach ensures our continued compliance with the highest international safety standards. The core of CAL's SMS is safety risk management. CAL analyzes and manages operational risks systematically through continuous risk identification and management. We also set Safety Performance Targets (SPTs) for comprehensive tracking, control, and risk mitigation.


The safety training activities in 2023 continued the essence of safety management for "safety identification, active implementation, participation, and continuous improvement." We aimed to enable all employees to act safely through experiential learning and positive motivation together reinforcing the safety culture in CAL and achieve the highest flight safety standards. CAL actively promotes safety externally, and organized the 2023 Aviation Security Risk Management Seminar.


To ensure flight safety, CAL organizes educational and entertaining safety events every year to instill the significance of safety among all employees and constantly enhance their awareness of flight safety. The safety training activities in 2022 continued the essence of safety management for “safety identification, active implementation, participation, and continuous improvement”. We aimed to enable all employees to act safely through experiential learning and positive motivation together reinforcing the safety culture in CAL and achieve the highest flight safety standards. CAL actively promotes safety with external entities. We organized the 2022 International Ground Safety Seminar and co-organized the 2022 Aviation SMS Summit and 2022 Flight Operations and Safety Seminar with CAA.


The safety training activities in 2021 continued the essence of safety management for "safety identification, active implementation, participation, and continuous improvement". We aimed to enable all employees to act safely through experiential learning and positive motivation together reinforcing the safety culture in CAL and achieve the highest flight safety standards.


Our safety events in 2020 were based on the themes of "safety identification, active implementation, participation, and continuous improvement". We aimed to enable all employees to act safely through experiential learning and positive motivation together reinforcing the safety culture in CAL and achieve the highest flight safety standards.


Following the event theme in 2018, namely, Safety Identification, Participation, Management, and Implementation, our safety events in 2019 were mainly aimed at enabling all employees to act safely through experiential learning and positive motivation together reinforcing the safety culture in CAL and achieve the highest flight safety standards. CAL took the initiative in organizing three international seminars on flight safety and also co-organized the 72ndInternational Air Safety Summit in 2019.


Enhanced employees' awareness of flight safety through a series of safety events featuring safety identification, participation, management, and implementation; encouraged employees' participation in preventive management of potential risks, and incorporated safety policies into each operation.

Flight Crew Management

Professional Training and Evaluation

CAL recognizes risk factors and implements risk management mechanisms based on the three perspectives of "prediction," "proactive," and "reactive" through appropriate training to respond to internal and external environmental change, such as the introduction of new airports, routes, aircraft, systems and procedures, systematic flight training / qualification, flight operation quality assurance (FOQA), and recurrent evaluation of instructors and examiners etc. By means of pertinent training measurements, we prepare flight crew members with the high level of professionalism and competency necessary to ensure passenger's flight safety.

Note: FOQA aims to decrease the probability of accidents and hull damage by using past flight data and flight log excerpts to identify abnormal incidents and to analyze each fleet's operational characteristics. The outcomes are then assessed in order to identify and resolve any relevant safety risks.

Management by Walking Around

Health and Emotional Management

To ensure that flight crew can successfully complete every flight duty, CAL sets strict standards not only for pilot training, but also for pilots' health and emotional management. CAL has adopted proactive planning, crew feedback and prediction in crew life management to prevent and reduce the physical and mental stress of pilots in long-haul flight duties.

Inflight Monitoring and Control

To ensure that passengers can arrive safely and on time at their destinations according to the flight plans, CAL System Operation Control Division monitors all flight-related operations, monitors all flights and site operations in real time, and monitors the positions of aircraft in the air. In the event of abnormal flight operations, it gathers all necessary information and formulates response plans in coordination with flight crew to ensure the safety of the flight and passengers.

To ensure smooth flight operations and flight safety, CAL System Operation Control Division monitors real-time flight operations around the clock. It sets up designated seats for different operations and it uses communication tools to ensure real-time monitoring and control of all factors that may cause abnormal flight operations (e.g., military exercise, geopolitical shifts, epidemics and epidemic prevention policies of different countries, weather forecast at different airports, emergencies such as volcano and tsunami, and status of ground operations at airports such as de-icing/anti-icing capacity and strike). The main seats in the Control Center include:

  • Air traffic control seat: Monitors flights and operations of flight schedules
  • Weather monitoring seat: Provides the latest hazardous weather updates for aircraft in the air
  • Flight dispatcher seat: Plans routes and fuel quantities, and monitors airspace conditions
  • Repair management seat: Monitors flight maintenance status of aircraft
  • Flight status monitoring seat: Supervises the normal operations of airports
  • Taoyuan International Airport management seat: Supervises the inbound/outbound operations of the Company's main hub

Each seat continues to effectively operate and meet on-time rate and safe operation needs.

System Operation Control Division also continues to use various software and hardware for monitoring and control to enhance the decision-making abilities of the Control Center. For instance, we obtain information on flight movements by connecting to the domestic and international airports' Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) system, and we connect to aircraft tracking systems to verify the positions of aircraft in the air. We also use TPE Airport CCTV system to assist smooth inbound/outbound operations, and we use the weather monitoring software WNI to monitor hazardous weather at each airport to help aircraft avoid hazardous weather periods at airports and help pilots avoid hazardous flight airspaces to reduce risks in flight operations.

In order to ensure effective information communication with each airport and operational proficiency during abnormal weather or emergency, as well as to reduce risks in operations, the System Operation Control Division continues to conduct various situation drills and review meetings. The key points of the 2023 implementation are as follows:

  • Typhoon Response Meeting Drill: In preparation for the typhoon season, we understood this year's typhoon trends and created a simulated typhoon track through the drill process. We formulated contingency plans for System Operation Control Division and aircraft evacuation plans, and promoted relevant safety concepts and operation safety during typhoon to colleagues.
  • Annual Flight Extensive Delay Drill: In response to events that significantly affects flight operation and cause extensive flight delays, such as strikes and military exercises, the System Operation Control Division conducted an emergency operational procedure drill.
  • W23 (Winter 2023) Snow Response Exercises: In response to the impact of snow in the winter season, and considering the risks of long delay in flight caused by de-icing/anti-icing operations, we organized the "Winter Snow Response Exercise Meeting," inviting the Company's Flight Operations Division, Maintenance Division, and outstation units to exchange and discuss how to handle related operations.
  • On-time Rate Review Meeting: To effectively improve flight on-time rate, meet passenger expectations, and ensure smooth outbound operations of flights with reduced delays, the Company conducts review on flight on-time rate every quarter, analyzing and evaluating the operation time of each unit.

As countries across the world relax border control measures in 2024, people are more willing to travel abroad, showing a fairly good recovery of transportation capacity of passenger flights. However, airports still struggle to restore their manpower and ground operations to pre-pandemic standards. CAL System Operation Control Division continuously pays close attention to duration of long-haul flights, connections between flights, and ground operations for connecting passengers. It closely monitors flight operations and makes adjustments for abnormal flights to actively ensure smooth flight operations.

Maintenance Quality

Ensuring maintenance quality is an important foundation of flight safety. With the Company's Reliability Control Program, we proactively manage the maintenance status of all aircraft. By compiling and analyzing data related to common abnormalities and technical parameters from daily operations, appropriate maintenance strategies and plans are developed. This allows us to maintain the reliability of all systems on the aircraft to enhance maintenance quality and flight safety.

  • Maintenance Quality

    CAL's maintenance organization is certified by 11 countries and regions, including the European Union, the US, and China. We have the largest modernized maintenance facilities in Taiwan, including two hangers that can accommodate five wide-body aircraft, as well as an engine test cell capable of measuring up to 120,000 lbs of thrust. The Company's maintenance capability can satisfy different level of maintenance checks for various type of aircraft. In recent years, to expand maintenance service to airlines in East Asia, we passed the maintenance plant certification from Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and obtained the maintenance plant certification in 2022. In 2023, we subsequently applied to the US FAA, EU EASA and Taiwan CAA to obtain maintenance capacity for the IAE PW1100G-JM series engines mounted to the latest Airbus A320neo series aircraft, and we will continue to expand maintenance services for customers.

  • Establishing a New Maintenance Training Center

    In response to rapidly growing demand for maintenance service abroad, CAL was certified to establish the CAL Technical Training Center (CTC) in 2015. In 2017, CTC also obtained certification from the Civil Aviation Administration of China. CTC was the first certified institution in Taiwan to provide aircraft maintenance training for CAL-EMO and other airlines. Since CTC's foundation, a total of 290 training courses have been offered, and 3,056 trainees have completed training.

  • Elevating the Quality Management System

    CAL's maintenance organization acquired ISO 9001 certification for its Quality Management System in 1996 and continuously maintained the effectiveness of the system. In May 2017, the EMO became the first repair station in Taiwan to receive certification for the AS9110 Quality Maintenance Systems - Aerospace from the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG). CAL continuously renewed its re- evaluation contracts with the accreditation institution each year. Consistent with its pursuit of improvement of quality, CAL-EMO will periodically conduct Plan-Do-Check- Act (PDCA) through the quality management system for continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

    Note: IAQG main members include Boeing, Airbus, GE, and Rolls Royce. To manage and regulate the quality of suppliers, suppliers are required to comply with a series of established standards for quality management system, including AS 9110.

Customer Service

The Company upholds the motto of customers first and attaches importance to passengers' opinions with the goal of providing high-quality services. We conduct regular reviews of passenger service performance through questionnaire surveys, which cover various aspects of passenger services including reservations, airport services, cabin crew services, catering services, cabin cleanliness, and entertainment. Additionally, we utilize big data analysis to gain a more accurate understanding of passenger needs and provide services that better cater to those needs. Passengers can use the CAL Customer Service System (CSS) to provide feedback on CAL's services, whether positive or negative. The Company will take them seriously and include them as reference for improvements. The Company upholds the service concept of "respect for customers" and is dedicated to delivering heartwarming services and high-quality experience. It follows a quality policy of "pursuing excellence" and continuously enhances service quality to meet the expectations of passengers.

In 2023, a total of 1,488,558 passenger satisfaction questionnaires were delivered, which accounted for approximately 15.9% of the total number of passengers (Note 1). The passenger satisfaction rate was 93.6%, and the net promoter score (NPS) was 62.7. The Cargo Sales, Marketing & Service Division delivers customer satisfaction surveys to cargo operation sites across the world each year and encourages customers to provide feedback, and the satisfaction score for 2023 was 91.6 points. The Maintenance Division delivers customer satisfaction surveys to customers of hull, engine, and equipment maintenance once every six months and encourages customers to provide feedback on the quality, progress, and delivery time of maintenance, supply of parts and equipment, services, and feedback. In the first and second halves of 2023, it collected results from 15 respondents and the annual satisfaction score was 8.8 points.

1,488,558 surveys

In 2023, 1,488,558 CAL passenger satisfaction questionnaires were delivered.

93.6 %

Passenger Satisfaction Rate


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Passenger Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Passenger Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Passenger Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Passenger Satisfaction

Note 1: The total number of passengers in 2023 is 9,386,420.
Note 2: Starting from 2023, the overall passenger satisfaction was no longer be counted, being replaced by passenger satisfaction rate. The passenger satisfaction rate from June to December 2022 was 95.2%.
Note 3: The 2023 survey uses a dichotomous approach to assess passenger satisfaction and calculate overall satisfaction. To maintain consistency with the assessment of other service issues, the Overall Passenger Satisfaction of the 2024 survey is adjusted to use the design of 5-point Likert scale and its objective is set to be the passengers filling out the satisfaction survey (1 to 5 points) with a point of 4 or 5 reaching 85.3% or more.
Note 4: The maintenance and repairs customer satisfaction is calculated based on a ten-point system.

Freight Customer Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Freight Customer Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Freight Customer Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Freight Customer Satisfaction

Maintenance Customer Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Maintenance Customer Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Maintenance Customer Satisfaction


Yearly Goal
Maintenance Customer Satisfaction

Note 1 : Highest score is 10 points.

Protecting Customers' Rights

Personal Data and Privacy Protection

CAL attaches great importance to data subject's privacy and regards it as a basic principle of service. We duly comply with domestic and foreign applicable the personal data and privacy protection laws/regulations. To enhance the Company's internal audit and personal data management, in addition to appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and establishing the personal data management system to implement personal data protection policies and goals, we followed the requirements in the Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission and incorporated information security management into the "Information Security and Personal Data Protection Management Division" in March 2022. We also appointed a "Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)" and empowered the CISO with independent powers for coordinating and planning of information security policies and resource allocation in order to enhance the Company's implementation of information security management. DPO and CISO jointly promote the supervision and management of the Company's personal data and information security to implement the most efficient corporate governance. They also report to the Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors when necessary so that the management can effectively monitor the Company's personal data and information security operations.

CAL has established comprehensive personal data protection mechanisms to ensure the accuracy and security of personal data. For external practices, we disclose the Privacy Protection Policy on the official website, and set up "Enquiry and Request for Personal Data" online form and DPO email (DPO@china-airlines.com) for data subjects to exercise their personal data related rights. For internal practices, we formulate standard operation procedures in accordance with applicable personal data and privacy protection laws/regulations, execute personal data inventory on the basis of business procedures, and periodic implement personal data and information security education and training for all employees. We also conduct contingency drills on personal data breaches and information security incidents to enhance crisis management ability. When it is necessary for the Company to engage subcontracting activities of personal data, the Company also requires the suppliers and their personnel to comply with the Privacy Protection Policy. We include personal data protection clauses in the contracts signed with suppliers, and perform regular evaluations of suppliers and personal data audits.

CAL will continue to protect all customers' personal information to keep the advantage in the market and enhance our brand trust. We are currently introducing ISO/IEC 27701:2012 PIMS certification work, and plans to obtain the official certificate in the second half of 2023.

Information (Cyber) Security Management

CAL implemented organization adjustment in March 2022 to enhance that the Company's information security management operations meet the standards of international information security standards and domestic information security regulations. CAL established a dedicated unit for information security management and incorporated information security management into the "Information Security and Personal Data Protection Management Division". The Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) jointly lead the dedicated personal data and information security team. The CISO's duties are therefore independent from the information management to ensure the independence of information security management, so as to supervise the governance, planning and promotion of the Company's information security. In addition, the Company periodically organizes the information security and personal data review meeting every year on a regular basis to verify the continuous and effective implementation of the information security and personal data management system. The CISO and DPO also report information security and data protection matters to the Board of Directors every year.

In order to maintain the validity of information security certification, CAL completed the internal audit and re-inspection for the core ICT systems in 2022 in accordance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and obtained the system certificate in January 2023. Pursuant to the Company's information security policy, CAL continues to strengthen the confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements of information and information assets, so as to reinforce the security control mechanism. System reliability and defense in depth are constantly enhanced by refining security designs of system management, including network regions, access control, weakness management, and other security protection strategies. We duly conduct computer disaster backup and recovery (DRP) exercises every year for the information security and backbone network equipment with the widest impact. Each application system also has relevant test scripts for system recovery and testing, to ensure that the Company can rapidly and effectively restore normal operations. As for information security incident notification, vulnerability reporting and response mechanism, CAL develops a standard operation procedure for notification, and conducts incident contingency drill every year to confirm the effectiveness of the incident response mechanism and notification process. In addition, we regular conduct vulnerability scanning of Company's internal and external application system servers to strengthen the Company's overall information security protection. At least once a year, external information security experts are appointed to implement information system health checks and penetration tests.

CAL will uphold the spirit that "information security is the risk management with continuously improved", it cultivates the area of information security and practices information security in its daily operations, to respond the external threats and reduce the risks.

Food Safety

To ensure food safety and environmental sustainability, CAL requires catering service providers to strictly comply with international safety and health standards mechanisms. This covers each process from preparation, storage, and transportation at a standard temperature. Microbiological examinations are required for all products, materials, and food equipment. In addition, quality audits are carried out from time to time, and aimed at requesting catering service providers to correct nonconforming items within given time limits. If these conditions are not met, penalties will be imposed in accordance with their contracts. Training courses are also organized regarding HACCP and catering services, in order to increase employees' awareness of food safety and quality.

Onboard Drinking Water Safety

The quality of potable water is an important part of a premium customer's experience. The quality of potable water is strictly controlled by our industry-leading In-flight Potable Water Management Procedures, which are stricter than environmental regulations and bottling facility sanitation regulations.

  • The safety of potable water is included in the preliminaries of new destinations
  • We have rigorous safety standards for our drinking water suppliers. Every year, audits are performed to ensure compliance
  • CAL conducts safety audits on potable water at outstations
  • CAL implements a maintenance plan for potable water facilities according to the manufacturer manual

Uphold Innovative Thinking to Connect with the New Generation of Youth

The Company continues to pursue the goal of increasing "Brand Awareness" in the sustainability strategy, and uphold youthful thinking and innovative mindset. Our in-flight entertainment system launched a high-quality Podcast program service, upgraded the overall movie quality, offered electronic journal "Dynasty Sky Reading," where passengers in all classes can download an unlimited number of journals. In collaboration with the trendy brand #MOSCHINO and #Roots, we showcase a new concept of travel bag that embodies vitality and fashion. Our in-flight catering collaborates with Michelin Guide restaurants and boutique desserts to create innovative and exclusive dishes. We develop a variety of in-flight exclusive desserts and beverages with a unique tea flavor, complemented by popular and healing animal illustrations, providing a double feast for taste and vision and generating buzz. CAL continues to operate official social media fan page to interact with passengers and maintain positive relations through various small online activities, and provide the latest information on flights and tourist destinations. In 2023, a new brand image advertisement captured attention of the innovative As the pandemic subsided and demand for domestic travel increased in 2023, we integrated the resources of the CAL Group fleet and provided a total of 2,643,085 seats on domestic routes (including offshore islands such as Kinmen, Penghu, and Nangan) (statistics as of November, 2023) (AE/ATR-72 aircraft: 1,557,780 seats or 59%; IT/A320 aircraft: 314,820 or 12%; CI/B738: 770,485 seats or 29%). We also supported the Tourism Bureau's incentives for citizens to travel with discounts and subsidies to satisfy people's need for going home and travel. Mandarin Airlines launched its first Taipei-Nangan route on March 26, 2023 to improve its flight network services for offshore islands. Uphold Innovative Thinking to Connect with the New Generation of Youth First Taipei-Matsu Flight Integrate Passenger Transport Aircraft Resources of CAL Group Mandarin Airlines leased Aircraft from Tigerair Taiwan's Fleet to Increase the Number of Flights and the Size of the Aircraft Used for Flights Flight Punctuality Mandarin Airlines officially established its presence in Matsu to cater to the local community generation, which shared travel stories and experience and offered innovative and immersive AI interactive device activities, catering to the travel mindset of today's young people who share their ideas on social platforms, and creating more travel value for our passengers. We continue to align with the innovative generation and co-create "#The moments, the memories" with CAL.

All ads and marketing materials of CAL abide by the following ethical commitments: 1. Provide accurate and balanced information for all products and services; 2. Truthfully disclose the Company's ESG actions; 3. Protect customers with weaker capacity to access information by providing accurate and sufficient information; 4. Abstain from misinforming customers on competitors' products and services. We uphold the principles of integrity and accountability to convey CAL's commitment to providing customers with a great travel experience and promoting sustainability.

CAL continues to connect with the innovative generation of youth and receives multiple international awards and recognition. CAL received the Best Airline in North Asia from the Global Traveler for the 10th time, the APEX Five Star Global Airline from the APEX for eight consecutive year, the Design Airline of the Year, Asia from TheDesignAir, and Five Star Global Airline in 2024 from the Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX).