Environmental Sustainability
Social Prosperity
Corporate Governance

Sustainability Governance

Through the "Sustainable Development Strategy" and "Value Creation Model", China Airlines assists stakeholders to grasp the true corporate value of China Airlines and review China Airlines' promotion of sustainable performance. Combine sustainability strategies to formulate short, medium and long-term goals to implement sustainable development of the company.

We adopted "Safety" and "Governance" as the basis for sustainable development and incorporated our main strategies of "Fleet and Network", "Products and Services", and "Group Business" to continue to enhance CAL's “Brand Awareness” in the minds of customers. We initiated three action plans to enhance the brand image including "Smart Resilience: resilient operations to combat extreme weather and changes in the business environment", "Localized Global Operations: taking Taiwan's local culture to the world", and "Youth Innovation: connect with the innovative generation with youthful thinking". The action plans reflect our lasting commitment to environmental, social, and economic / governance. The six sustainability strategies also support the UN's SDGs and we establish implementation strategies to create a strategic framework for sustainable development.

Value Creation Model

In order to embrace mutual prosperity along with our stakeholders and endeavor to create sustainable value for all stakeholders, CAL based on China Airlines’ economic, environmental, and social reporting boundaries has integrated six forms of capital (financial, natural, manufactured, intellectual, human, and social) to its corporate vision and strategy, introducing the concepts of true value to monetize the environmental and of social externality’s costs and benefits.This true value is viewed as an important reference point for corporate sustainability, and it helps all stakeholders understand the Company’s sustainability performance.

Capitals Input

Business Model

Value Creation

Title Output Outcome
  • Operating revenue: TWD 141,069.85 million
  • Revenue increased by 7% compared to 2021, the EBITA rate decreased by 20% compared to 2021.
  • New aircrafts in the fleet in 2021: 777F: 2, A321neo: 8
  • New passemger transport capacity created by the new aircrafts 1,440 seats
  • Punctuality rate of high-level repair and maintenance service: 100%
  • Number of incidents causing casualties or flight crashes: 0
  • Number of existing destinations (including new ones): 72 passenger destinations / 36 cargo destinations
  • Number of passengers / Cargo world: 4,728.65 (million passengers-kilometers)/ 5,862.00 (million ton-kilometers)
  • The 777F cargo aircraft is equipped with the GE90 engine, which is the same as that used in passenger aircrafts. This helps with engine management optimization and the lowering of maintenance costs.
  • The A321neo is a new narrow-body passenger aircraft with improved fuel consumption, unit cost, range, loading, and noise level. The fuel-efficient aircrafts will help reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.
  • The A321neo has a brand-new cabin design and provides a diverse range of new software and hardware equipment that demonstrate CAL’s unique brand and product competitiveness advantages.
  • Achieved the target punctuality rate of high-level repair and maintenance service (100%)
  • Promote a safety culture based on the spirit of "safety awareness, full participation, active management, and implementation" to achieve zero safety incidents
  • Number of new destinations: 1 passenger destination / no cargo destination in 2022
  • Compared to 2021, global passenger transport increased by 744% while cargo transport decreased by 22.36%
  • Revenue / number of passengers (seats) created by improved products or services: 1,620
  • Number of cost-saving patents: 200
  • Number of patents obtained: 1
  • Number of R&D employees trained: 44
  • The 787 new aircraft project started the design and development of cabin equipment for 16 aircraft, and the first aircraft will be delivered in 2025Q1.
  • The A321neo new aircraft project provides 9 aircraft with in-flight video and audio services for passengers
  • Manpower saved 27.25 man-month / year
  • Saved TWD 368.8 million in cost
  • CAL's intellectual property rights were continuously maintained
  • The skills of information employees were enhanced in response to the development of or updates to information systems
  • Number of new employees: 324
  • Newhire/recruitmentretentionratein2022: 91.05%
  • Retention rate of employees hired before 2022: 96.98%
  • Employee turnover: 4.95%
  • Total number of employee training hours: 451,309
  • Total number of middle or top management training hours: 3,854
  • The number of new employees in 2022 will increase by 232 compared with 2021
  • Compared to 2021, the retention rate in 2021 increased by 8.01%
  • Compared with 2021, despite the impact of large-scale recruitment of talents in other industries such as technology, the turnover rate only slightly increased by 0.15%,remaining stable
  • Related training was organized based on the needs of business operations
  • Job-related training was organized to improve management knowledge and consensus
  • Electricity consumption: 32,464.1 kWh
  • Carbon reduction: 5,454,970.906 tons
  • Waste reduction: 2,346,250 kg
  • Water consumption: 99.21 thousand tons
  • Number and percentage of green buildings: 2 / 66.67%
  • Solar photo voltaic investment: Power generated:110,205 kWh
  • Sustainable aviation fuel:18,465L
  • Electricity saved through a sound energy management system: 1,185,899 kWh
  • Carbon emission reductions achieved through various carbon reduction measures: 38,970 tons
  • Waste reduction achieved through improved waste management: 543,391kg
  • Water saved through continuous water management: 3,970
  • Elevator power recycled with power regeneration system: 11,213
  • Power saved in 2022:110,205 kWh
  • Annual carbon reduction:46 Tons CO2e
Social and Relationship
  • Number of charitable activities: 12
  • Number of beneficiaries: 4,048,790
  • Number of community activities: 18
  • Number of participants: 335
  • Number of sponsorships: 19
  • Number of brand promotion: 4
  • Result of brand promotion: TWD 57.28 million
  • Passenger transport customer satisfaction rate: 90.5
  • Number of passenger transport customer complaints: 3,746
  • Freight customer satisfaction rate: 89.5
  • Number of cargo customer complaints: 0
  • Number of industry-academia partnerships: 2
  • Number of industry-academia partnership projects: 1
  • Number of participants: 2
  • Coverage of sustainable supply chain management: 75.00%
  • The overall proportion of supplier ESG audits in the past three years: 100%
  • CAL makes good use of the unique resources and expertise of aviation and takes practical actions to care for and help the socially disadvantaged to improve their quality of life. Whether it is taking care of the elderly, disadvantaged schoolchildren, supporting small farmers in Taiwan through subscription actions, or international aid donations, etc., we hope to achieve Commitment to equal social well-being
  • CAL has long been investing in improving the development of local communities. Through volunteer teaching, students are encouraged to develop an international outlook. They also organize tree planting, beach cleaning, and respond to life-saving activities for associations with used shoes, hoping to promote environmental protection and regeneration, and the concept of sustainable love for the earth
  • In 2022, when COVID-19 is stabilizing, CAL is still responsible for the delivery of anti-epidemic materials, including the delivery of relief supplies, reagents and masks, and donating supplies to Taiwan's frontline medical staff, aviation police, anti-epidemic taxis and other units; in addition, it demonstrates the humanity of international rescue Spirit, donate money to help the refugees affected by the war between Russia and Ukraine to be reborn; in addition, continue to support the development of Taiwan's tourismactivities, sports players and competitions, and promote the international visibility of Taiwan's local brands
  • The company has been selected as a company in the DJSI for 7 consecutive times. In 2022, it won the highest honor in the TCSA sustainability report category for the first time - the best report of the year, actively promoting the ESG in all aspects of sustainability, from core values to business strategies to implement the concept of corporate sustainability and produce a press release for the 2022 DJSI award-winning publicity
  • To meet the recovery of the air passenger transport market, assist business units in domestic and foreign regions to promote the China Airlines brand, and use "beautiful journeys start with us" as the main axis of publicity to produce travel image print advertisement drafts. The design of the advertisement combines the in-flight s ervices of the company's flight attendants with the characteristics of the landscape, showing that the journey has already started from the time of boarding the plane, attracting more passengers to choose to take China Airlines
  • With the opening of Taiwan's borders on 10/13, international travel is expected to start to flourish. To grasp the timing of the recovery of the aviation industry after the epidemic, the company will participate in the 2022 Taipei International Travel Fair ITF
  • In response to the gradual easing of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the opening of border policies in various countries, in order to welcome the recovery of the air passenger transport market and trigger the public's desire to travel abroad, assist business units in domestic and foreign regions to promote the China Airlines brand, and produce tourism image videos. The film advocates: It's time to explore the world again, "Let's go, write your travel story"
  • The score in 2022 is slightly lower than that in 2021 by 0.2 points. According to the analysis, it is because at the end of 2022, due to the slowdown of the epidemic situation, the border control of variouscountries will be gradually unsealed, and the number of passengers will increase. Or the support manpower is not in place at the same time, and passengers have higher requirements for cabin cleanliness, which affects satisfaction
  • Although it has slowly entered the post-epidemic era, the outstation is still affected by special circumstances such as manpower shortages due to the impact of the epidemic or flight delays due to sterilization operations, which in turn affects customer satisfaction
  • The pandemic has affected the balance of supply and demand in the air cargo market as well as the prices and cargo services. Customers’ satisfaction with cargo services dropped slightly due to the changes in prices and cargo services
  • The purpose of industry-academia partnerships was to develop national aviation professionals
  • The coverage of sustainable supply chain management increase 21% in 2022 compared to 2021
  • Supplier audits shall be conducted at least once every three years, with a 100% completion rate from 2020 to 2022

True Value of China Airlines

According to the results, CAL’s traditional financial performance (EBITA) was reduced by 20% to TWD 30.8 billion in 2022 compared to 2021. The true earnings generated in economic, environmental, and social aspects came to around TWD 37.93 billion in 2022, reflecting a increase of TWD 7.10 billion and TWD 0.71 billion compared to EBITA and true earnings in 2021 respectively due to the positive benefits created by the respective increases of 100% and 96% in “ Water recycling” and “Green fares.” In line with the characteristics of the aviation industry, “Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions” and “Noise pollution” were the main sources of external costs. The negative benefits of GHG emissions and noise pollution were reduced by 19% and 27% respectively in 2022 from 2021, showing CAL’s active engagement in environmental sustainability initiatives such as “GHG reduction,” “Noise pollution,” “ Water recycling,” and “Green fares.” In CAL’s true earnings in 2022, environmental external costs totaled TWD 13.41 billion, and positive benefits created by additional economic value and social externalities totaled TWD 20.52 billion.

Sustainable Development Goals

To show its determination to create value for stakeholders, CAL has established a sound sustainable management mechanism in line with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) officially launched by the United Nations(UN) in 2016, hoping to maximize the benefits for the country, society, and all stakeholders. As a corporate citizen, CAL supports the UN's SDGs and focuses its sustainable development on 13 SDGs in accordance with the SDG Compass and related sustainability reports of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Air Transportation Action Group (ATAG), and the international transportation industry.

Corporate Sustainability Management

Under the challenging and rapid changing environment with the growing trend regarding sustainability, CAL followed the international trend of sustainability and referred to the experience from the benchmarking companies based on its mission and sense of duty for the sustainable development of the Company to establish its Corporate Sustainability Committee in 2014, the highest governing body of sustainability promotion, and set the China Airlines Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles. The Corporate Sustainability Committee comprises six task forces which are responsible for setting and implementing sustainable development goals to enforce the sustainable development. It also presents the CSR performance to the Board of Directors once every year to continue to strengthen the connection between the Corporate Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors and improve sustainability actions.

Sustainable Development Goals for Six Value Task Forces
Task Force Corresponding SDGs Corresponding Material Issues 2022 Objectives Illustration of Progress Key Results and Performance Short-term Goals (2023) Medium-term Goals (2025) Long-term Goals (2030)
Foundations for Sustainability Development
  • Governance and Business Integrity
  • Financial Performance
  • Fleet Development and Innovation
Achieving 100% of sustainability tasks for the year and establishing the employee awareness improvement plan Provided employee CSR awareness training and added mandatory online courses for new employees Achieving 100% of sustainability tasks for the year and implementing the employee awareness improvement plan Regularly reporting progress on CSR tasks to the Corporate Sustainability Committee and holding at least two CSR training sessions for affiliates Disclosing sustainable development of airline transport affiliates
Implementing operating mechanisms for SDGs
  • Reviewed SDGs for each task force on a rolling basis
  • The Corporate Sustainability Committee reviewed the progress of each task force every year
  • The task forces delivered status reports on a quarterly basis
Implementing operating mechanisms for SDGs Assisting industry partners in building up capacity for sustainable development Supporting global sustainability initiatives to expand the industry influence
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Information Security
  • Flight Safety Management
  • Privacy Management
Implementing personal data management systems, in accordance with GDPR and personal data protection laws
  • Created a personal information management system
  • Conducted personal data inventory and personal data risk assessments
  • Encouraged all employees to complete personal data training
  • Created a personal information audit system
  • Organized a personal data management review meeting
Implementing personal data management systems, in accordance with GDPR and personal data protection laws Receiving ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management certification in the collection, processing, and use of personal data in the Passenger Service Management Procedure (including Taiwan and EU headquarters) Maintaining validity of ISO27701 Privacy Information Management certificate Keeping a score of 90 or higher in the DJSI personal data protection criteria
Increasing the cargo service customer satisfaction to 88% The cargo service customer satisfaction was 89.5% in 2022 Cargo service customer satisfaction
88% 89% 90%
Continuously participating in aviation organizations and increasing influence CAL attended 13 meetings of international aviation organizations and domestic flight safety seminars in person or via video conference or telephone
  • International Civil Aviation Organization 2022 AAPA CaSWG meetings (3 times), 2022 AAPA FOSWG meetings (3 times), 2022 International Air Safety Summit (IASS), IATA Safety, Flight and Ground Operations Advisory Council (SFGOAC) meeting, Building a Sustainable Aviation System: Safe and Green seminar
  • Domestic flight safety seminars “2022 Aviation SMS Summit”, “International Ground Safety Seminar”, “2022 Flight Data Analysis and Application Seminar”, “Flight Operations and Safety Seminar”
Performing aviation data study and analysis for future release Publishing the results of flight operations studies to improve the technical capacity of the aviation industry Developing innovation plans with other airlines to drive innovation momentum
Strengthening the promotion of a just culture
  • CAL administered e-learning online courses for building a just culture in accordance with the recommendations in the 2020 safety culture evaluation to create a positive culture of safety. A total of 10,747 employees in domestic and foreign units completed the training.
  • Organized the “Taoyuan Metro Corporation Visit and Communication Event” to build upon the spirit of management by walking around. The in-person visit helped employees learn about the daily operations and safety management of the Company and share experience.
  • Organized the “Civil Aviation Legislation and Practice Seminar” to help unit managers of flight operations strengthen their knowledge, understanding, and applications of aviation standards and regulations. We invited a senior technical specialist from the Flight Standards Division of the CAA to give a speech on aviation operations titled “Amendments of Civil Aviation Legislation and Avionics”.
Continuing to pass IOSA certification standards and improve safety risk management Continuing to pass IOSA certification standards and improve the safety management system Continuing to pass IOSA certification standards and improve corporate safety culture
Optimize internal operating procedures and customer service mechanisms
  • Continued to promote robotic process automation and related applications
  • Continued to optimize the customer service bot to answer questions
Securing development of core business information application systems and infrastructures, organizing annual disaster recovery exercises, and launching innovative application services as needed to increase revenue and reduce costs for the company and increase work efficiency
  • Promoting a smart airport: Establish a smart airport at Terminal 3 of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and increase customer satisfaction with digital and innovative technology application
  • High-speed ICT network: Set up a dedicated optical fiber and terminal system network to increase data and audio connection performance and increase operating efficiency
  • Continuous improvement of disaster recovery plans: Provide on-site redundancy with sufficient hardware and software capacity to respond to anomalies in the core database system and ensure high availability of the database system
  • Promoting smart tourism: Achieving horizontal and vertical integration of tourism-related industries to provide a one-stop smart travel eco-system
  • Evaluate the adoption and applications of new technologies and continuously optimize and expand the disaster recovery capacity
Human Resources
  • Attracting, Cultivating, and Retaining Talent
  • Labor Relations and Communication
  • Occupational Safety and Health
Organizing four expert seminars that provide an opportunity for internal cross- disciplinary networking Due to the continuous impact of the pandemic in 2022, we only completed three expert seminars (on aviation- related topics including asset management, hospitality, management of aviation materials, and cargo operations) in 2022. A total of 722 people attended the events. However, we have organized 7 sessions from 2021 to 2022, and we are set to complete the short-term goal of “organizing 8 expert seminars” for 2021 to 2023. Organizing eight expert seminars that provide an opportunity for internal cross- disciplinary networking Completing the establishment of all internal online training materials for all specialties Applying to Taiwan’s aviation talent development
Establishing CAL’s aviation management talent pool Optimizing talent pools for different levels of management (including a master talent pool, management training courses, and advanced management courses) and related training mechanisms to develop talent for the company over the long term and lay the foundation for passing on knowledge and experience Optimizing CAL’s aviation management talent training mechanisms Establishing the optimal learning path for CAL’s aviation management talent pool Promoting Taiwan’s aviation talent development
Percentage of female managers reaching 24.5% The percentage of female managers has risen to 28.46% in 2022 Percentage of female executives reaching
25% 26% 27%
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Maintain SAQ score at 87 points
  • 5 high-risk suppliers were identified in the 2022 sustainability self-assessment questionnaire
  • The average annual score was 92 in 2022
Maintain SAQ score at
87 points 87 points 89 points
Optimize risk management for sustainable supply chain, implement SAQ, and audit 30% of critical tier-1 suppliers
  • Met the target of auditing 78% of the 56 key first-tier suppliers in 2022
  • Completed auditing all 5 high-risk suppliers in 2022
Optimize risk management for sustainable supply chain, implement the SAQ, and audit 70% of critical tier-1 suppliers and 50% of critical tier- 2 suppliers by 2023 Optimize risk management for sustainable supply chain, implement the SAQ, and audit 100% of critical tier-1 suppliers and 100% of critical tier-2 suppliers by 2025 Providing supply chain training, improving assistance mechanisms, and implementing ongoing SAQs
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  • Energy Management
  • Environmental protection benefits and resource management
  • Green Services and Sustainable Catering
Improving annual aviation fuel efficiency by 1.5% (flight operations)
  • Maintain leading position among Asia Pacific airlines with fuel efficiency at 0.2409 tons per 1,000 RTK
  • Used 10% SAF for the delivery flights of new aircrafts Implemented 12 SAF improvement plans
Improving annual aviation fuel efficiency by 1.5% and achieving carbon-neutral growth (CORSIA CNG2020) (Attain net zero emissions by 2050)
41% 44% 50% (net zero emissions by 2050) with renewable energy installed capacity reaching 10% of the contract capacity
Implement TCFD management and disclosure operations
  • Reported climate governance reports to the Risk Committee of the Board of Directors
  • Continued to publish climate-related financial information
Enhance the integration of decision-making mechanisms with climate-related financial information Implement and optimize internal carbon pricing operations Formulate a sustainable aviation fuel strategy for Taiwan
Reducing general waste (non-recyclable) by 3% compared with 2018 Increased output in 2022 by 15% compared to 2018 Reducing general domestic waste (non-recyclable) in relation to 2018
5% 7% 12%
Increasing industrial waste recycling ratio to 41% Industrial waste recycling ratio reached 70% in 2022 Industrial waste recycling ratio
43% 45% 50%
Reducing water consumption from ground operations by 2.2% compared to 2018
  • Reduced water consumption from ground operations in 2022 by 33% compared to 2018
  • Implemented equipment updates, pipeline inspections, and employee education
Reduced water consumption from ground operations compared to 2018
5% 7% 10%
Reducing paper consumption by 8% compared to 2018
  • Reduced paper consumption in 2022 by 43% compared to 2018
  • Expanded the digitalization of services and administrative operations
Reduced paper consumption compared to 2018
14% 30% 50%
Embargoing transport of endangered species and prohibiting use of illegal species as food ingredients
  • CAL did not transport illegal wild animals and plants and planted 143 trees
  • Continued the practice of embargoing transport of endangered species and prohibiting the use of illegal species as food ingredients; expanded advocacy campaigns to increase customers’ ecological conservation awareness
Embargoing transport of endangered species and prohibiting use of illegal species as food ingredients
Reduction of total in- flight waste compared to 2018 Reduce total in-flight waste in 2022 by 68.09% compared to 2018 Reduction of in-flight waste compared to 2018
25% 50% 65%
Reducing use of disposable plastics for in-flight services Reduce use of disposable plastics for in-flight services by 30% Reduction in the number of disposable plastics
50% 90% 100%
Reducing average food waste produced per person for in- flight services from 2020 levels Reducing average food waste produced per person for in-flight services by 74.23% from 2020 levels Reduction of average food waste produced per person compared to 2020
5% 10% 25%
  • Social Feedback and Engagement
Organizing at least one long-term charity project CAL continued to provide support in 2022 and organized 3 long-term charity projects. CAL also continued to support international relief initiatives by transporting relief supplies to Palau and donations to Ukraine to help improve the health and benefits for Ukrainian refugees. Supporting international initiatives and organizing at least one long-term charity project Supporting international initiatives and organizing at least one long-term charity project Supporting international initiatives and organizing at least one long-term charity project
Organize at least one education charity event in a remote rural area CAL volunteers taught aviation courses in 5 nearby elementary schools and 3 junior high schools/elementary schools in remote rural areas in Taitung to spread truth, good, and beauty in society and empower children’s growth. Organize at least one education charity event in a remote rural area Developing opportunities for students to receive international education Improving the quality of education in underdeveloped areas / developing countries
Organize at least one charity event in collaboration with a local Taiwanese brand CAL organized a charity basketball camp with the Taoyuan Pilots of P. LEAGUE+ CAL organized a charity baseball camp with baseball stars Wei-Yin Chen and Wei-Chung Wang. Both charitable activities involved the sharing of personal experience which encouraged young athletes to pursue their dreams with courage. Developing PR gifts in collaboration with indigenous peoples or local independent farmers and empower the disadvantaged to gain equal social opportunities Promoting economic growth and employment assistance in underdeveloped areas / developing countries and improving social well-being Enhancing the benefits of sponsorships
  • Environmental
  • Social
  • Governance
Goal Exceeded
Goal Attained
Goal Not Attained

Note: The importance of material issues to CAL may correspond to more than one task force; table lists only most relevant task force.

Governance Structure

Board of Directors

As the highest governing organization at CAL, the Board of Directors is responsible for supervising and resolving crucial issues, guiding management, and formulating and complying with policies and rules in accordance with laws and regulations and with the powers granted by the shareholders' meetings. The composition of the Board of Directors is diverse. According to Article 198-1 of the Company Act, candidates for directors are nominated by the shareholders. The selection is meritbased and does not discriminate based on gender, nationality, or race, and directors have good qualities and expertise or experience in the management of international companies. The Company also considers the views of the China Aviation Development Foundation and the government. A total of 13 directors have been elected to the 23rd Board of Directors, including five independent directors, two of whom is female. Directors are elected for three-year terms (the current term was from May 30, 2024 to May 30, 2027). CAL implements performance evaluation and reviews the special professional skills of directors as the basis for nomination for the next election. Meetings of the Board of Directors are held at least five times a year and may be convened at any time in case of important or urgent matters.

For experience / education, concurrent posts, expertise, field of experience, compliance of independence, and the operations of the Board of Directors, refer to the CAL's Annual Report.

Personal Data of Directors of the Board

Current Positions at CAL and other companies
  • ${item}

Education and Experiences
  • ${item}

First-year serving as a member of China Airlines board


Status of diversity among the Company's current Board members
Name Basic Composition Industrial Experience
(Note 2)
Professional Background Professional Competence
Title Independence (Note 1) Has Employee Status Nationality Gender Age Airlines Transport Professional services and Marketing Financial and Finance Construction and Engineering Banking, Insurance and Real estate Business and Supply Information and Technology Metal and Machinery Law Accounting Risk Management
40-50 years 51-60 years 61-70 years
Hsieh, Su- Chien Chairman Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Transport - - - -
Charles, C.Y., Chen Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Transport - - - - -
Ting, Kwang- Hung Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Commercial & Professional Services - - - - -
Chen, Han- Ming Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Transport - - - -
Chen, Maun- Jen Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Commercial & Professional Services - - - -
Su,Pei-Hsien Director Executive Director R.O.C. Female - - Transport - - - - - - - - -
Huang, Huei-Jen Director Executive Director R.O.C. Female - - Transport - - - - - - - - -
Wei, Chien-Hung Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Transport - - - - - - -
Lin, Kuo-Chang Independent Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Commercial & Professional Services - - - - - - - - - -
Huang,Hsieh-Hsing Independent Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Financial Services - - - - - - - -
Chang,Hsieh Gen-Sen Independent Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Female - - Financial Services - - - - - - - - -
Hwang Yih-Ray Independent Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Male - - Financial Services - - - - - - - -
Lin, Yu-Fen Independent Director Independent Director - R.O.C. Female - - Commercial & Professional Services - - - - - - - - - -

✓Indicates the director has the capability. ○ indicates the director has some capability.

Note 1: The Board of Directors of CAL adopts the one-track system. The independent status of external directors adopts the following criteria.It must satisfy at least 4 items in following 9 items, and at least 2 items in the first 3 items :

  1. The director must not have been employed by the company in an executive capacity within the last year.
  2. The director must not accept or have a "Family Member who accepts any payments from the company or any parent or subsidiary of the company in excess of $60,000 during the current fiscal year", other than those permitted by SEC Rule 4200 Definitions.
  3. The director must not be a "Family Member of an individual who is employed by the company or by any parent or subsidiary of the company as an executive officer".
  4. The director must not be (and must not be affiliated with a company that is) an adviser or consultant to the company or a member of the company's senior management.
  5. The director must not be affiliated with a significant customer or supplier of the company
  6. The director must have no personal services contract(s) with the company or a member of the company's senior management.
  7. The director must not be affiliated with a not-for-profit entity that receives significant contributions from the company.
  8. The director must not have been a partner or employee of the company's outside auditor during the past year.
  9. The director must not have any other conflict of interest that the board itself determines to mean they cannot be considered independent.

In addition, pursuant to Article 4 of the Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies, the Company's independent director may not concurrently serve as an independent director of more than three other public companies.

Note 2: Categorized according to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) Level 2.

Note 3: For experience / education, concurrent posts, expertise, field of experience, compliance of independence, and the operations of the Board of Directors, please refer to the CAL Annual Report.