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China Airlines Ranked World’s No.3 Carrier for Sustainability by DJSI

2020 Nov 17

China Airlines has been recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for its sustainability efforts once again. The results of the DJSI’s corporate sustainability evaluation were announced on the 14th of this month with China Airlines once again being the stand-out in the airline industry by coming third in the world again. China Airlines was also the only transportation company in Taiwan to be included in the DJSI Emerging Market Index for five years in a row.

The DJSI are the most authoritative indices on corporate sustainability performance and are an important reference for global institutional investors. Jointly established by Dow Jones in the U.S. and the Swiss sustainable investment company RobecoSAM in 1999, the DJSI evaluate the economic, environmental and social sustainability performance of businesses in 61 industries around the world to identify the top 10% in terms of sustainability performance in each industry. A total of 26 companies in Taiwan including China Airlines were chosen this year. China Airlines went on to achieve the highest scores in the airline industry in six categories: “supply chain management, brand management, environmental reporting, environmental policy and management systems, climate strategy, social reporting, human rights, corporate citizenship and philanthropy. ”China Airlines was also ranked 3rd in the global aviation industry for the fourth consecutive year.

To fulfill its corporate mission of “creating more wonderful moments through flying”, China Airlines is actively promoting sustainability practices under its six key sustainability strategies of “safety, governance, fleet network, product services, group cooperation, and brand perception.” Short, medium and long-term sustainability goals have also been formulated in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For passenger safety, China Airlines is continuing to embrace the IATA Operational Safety Audit, the highest standard of international certification used today; “Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)” status was also obtained through certification on transnational freight safety to provide quality freight services; in response to climate issues, China Airlines introduced the framework of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), making it the first and only carrier in Taiwan to support the TCFD; sustainable alternative fuels were used for the ferry flights of new aircraft in partnership with Airbus and Air TOTAL. A symposium on sustainable alternative aviation fuels was subsequently held to share experiences with industry, government, and research experts; carbon offsets are promoted through the ECO Travel program; to show support for social responsibility, China Airlines is actively involved in humanitarian relief work, charity assistance, grassroots education and sponsorship of Taiwanese athletes.

China Airlines’ longstanding efforts in sustainability have won both domestic and international recognition from various sources. These included being chosen as a constituent stock in the FTSE4Good Emerging Index for five consecutive years, a “Bronze Class” award in the Sustainability Yearbook, winning the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award (TCSA) for seven consecutive years, and winning the Global Corporate Sustainability Award (GCSA) for two consecutive years. Despite the heavy blow that the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt to the airline industry and the many challenges it now faces, China Airlines will continue to embrace its vision of “becoming the preferred airline of Taiwan” through the promotion of economic, environmental and social sustainability practices.

For more information about sustainable developments at China Airlines, please visit the China Airlines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) website and report.