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China Airlines Included in DJSI for Sixth Consecutive Year and Takes 2nd Place in the Global Aviation Industry

2021 Nov 15

The results of the 2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) were announced on November 13 and China Airlines set another new record by becoming the only Taiwanese transport company to be included in the “Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index” for six consecutive years. Ranking 2nd place in the global aviation industry for the first time, China Airlines has heralded international recognition with its longstanding investment in sustainability.

DJSI is the first and most authoritative index on corporate sustainability performance and is an important reference for global institutional investors. S&P Global, the international sustainability assessment body, evaluates the environmental, social, and economic/governance (ESG) performance of 61 industries around the world to identify businesses in the top 10% with respect to sustainability performance in each industry. This year, 30 companies from Taiwan were chosen for inclusion and China Airlines performed well in every aspect. China Airlines topped the aviation industry in 5 categories (Brand Management, Environmental Reporting, Climate Strategy, Social Reporting, Human Capital Development), and scored full marks for “Brand Management, Environmental Reporting, Social Reporting.” Such a strong performance demonstrates China Airlines’ commitment to sustainability through the successful integration of its business strategy with its sustainability philosophy.

China Airlines supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is an active advocate for sustainable ESG practices. The carrier embraces the IATA Operational Safety Audit to ensure the highest standard of aviation safety for passengers and has obtained Authorized Economic Operator certification to provide quality freight services. As one of the leading air cargo operators in the world and the first carrier in Taiwan to obtain the CEIV Pharma international pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics, China Airlines played a key role in the air transport of epidemic prevention and emergency medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. It not only transported COVID-19 vaccines purchased by Taiwan but also successfully transshipped vaccines to other countries.

China Airlines was the first carrier in Taiwan to adopt the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures to address climate issues and has already released the first TCFD report in the global aviation industry. In response to the global push on climate reduction, China Airlines has set itself the goal of achieving “net zero carbon emissions” by 2050 and is continuing to promote the ECO Travel carbon offsetting scheme. The A321neo next-generation passenger aircraft will also be introduced in the fourth quarter of this year. Making a tangible contribution to the environment and the planet, the new aircraft is more fuel-efficient than its predecessors and will use sustainable aviation fuels during delivery. China Airlines also promoted social responsibility and inclusiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic as well by paying close attention to the latest developments in digital health platforms, and supporting public health campaigns. Additionally, it has partnered with the Huashan Social Welfare Foundation to watch over disadvantaged people in the community and fulfill its responsibilities as a corporate citizen.

China Airlines has long engaged in ESG sustainability initiatives as core to its corporate sustainability mission and duty. Its efforts in sustainability have won both domestic and international recognition from various organizations. These awards include being chosen as a constituent stock in the FTSE4Good Emerging Index for six consecutive years, a “Silver Class” award in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, winning the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award (TCSA) for eight consecutive years, and winning the Global Corporate Sustainability Award (GCSA) for three consecutive years. Despite the heavy blow that the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt to the airline industry and the many challenges the company now faces, China Airlines continues to promote its ESG initiatives and has now won international accolades with its outstanding performance.

For more information about sustainable developments at China Airlines, please visit the China Airlines Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) website and related report.