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China Airlines Awarded “Silver Class” in the 2022 Sustainability Yearbook and Named No.2 Airline in the World for the Second Year Running

2022 Feb 15

China Airlines successfully promotes environmental and social sustainability and corporate governance (ESG). S&P Global, the international sustainability ratings agency, recently announced the results of the Sustainability Yearbook 2022, awarding China Airlines the “Silver Class” rating in the airline industry. This marks the second year that China Airlines has received this rating, making it Taiwan’s top transport operator in terms of its total ESG score. Just seven airlines were included in the Yearbook this year for their outstanding sustainability performance. China Airlines also announced that it has joined the “TALENT, in Taiwan” alliance and is committed to boosting the competitiveness of Taiwanese talent through the joint promotion of sustainable talent development and cultivation.

The 2022 Sustainability Yearbook, compiled from the results of the 2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), assess the sustainability performance of more than 7,500 large enterprises in 61 industries across the world. Only the top 15% of enterprises in each industry are eligible to receive the award with the final score based on strict criteria. China Airlines had previously been awarded the “Bronze Class” in the airline industry on three occasions beginning in 2016 and improved its performance to “Silver Class” last year. This year China Airlines emerged from a group of 51 airlines, taking second place for the second consecutive year.

The vision “Become the preferred airline in Taiwan” has firmly established China Airlines around the world. Commitment to the pursuit of sustainable development and the cultivation of talent is a key business goal. To strengthen the competitiveness of Taiwanese talent, China Airlines announced that it is joining the “TALENT, in Taiwan” alliance. This partnership with CommonWealth Learning, Cheers, and other Taiwanese enterprises will focus on promoting talent sustainability. China Airlines vows that its business strategy, products and services, as well as professional training courses will all be aimed at strengthening business functions, providing employees with better career development options and prospects, and preserving the company’s culture and values.

China Airlines has received extensive domestic and overseas recognition for its longstanding efforts towards sustainable development, including being selected as a constituent stock of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and the FTSE4Good Emerging Index every year, as well as winning the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards and the Global Corporate Sustainability Awards. Despite the challenges facing the airline industry due to the devastating impact of COVID-19, China Airlines continues to introduce new initiatives, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability.