Sustainable Environment
Prosperous Society
Corporate Governance

ECO Action

China Airlines has committed to environmental protection and energy conservation. We sincerely care and inherit our beautiful Mother Earth.

Optimized Flight Control

Optimized flight route, controls, altitude, aircraft weight, and total cost index.

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  • Optimal Routes

CAL periodically reviews flight routes and selects the optimal flight routes to improve flight efficiency. For example, after actively communicating and negotiating with air transport management authorities from different countries, China Airlines was granted access to a direct flight path: Taipei to Palau, thereby significantly reducing fuel consumption and enhancing environmental protection, while providing passengers with faster transportation services.


China Airlines corporate with the air traffic controllers for implementation of the CDA during non-peak period.


Save fuel consumption, reduce carbon emissions (according to the study, it can save 200 pounds fuel and reduce 630 pounds CO2e).


Previous TPE - ROR route
New TPE - ROR route

The Best Flight Route


The original flight path from Taipei to Palau has to pass through the Philippines air space with longer flight distance.


After actively communicating and negotiating with air transport management authorities from different countries, China Airlines was granted access to a direct flight path: Taipei to Palau, thereby significantly reducing fuel consumption and enhancing environmental protection, while providing passengers with faster transportation services.

-23 mins

Flight Time:
Flight duration reduced by 23 mins.


Fuel Efficiency:
Annual reduction of 998400 pound fuel usage
(4 flights per week)

-1176 10kg / NTD

Operational Costs:
Cost down by $11,760 NTD
(4 flights per week)
  • Optimal Operations

The flight crew optimizes the flight operations at all stages, e.g., operating acceleration at optimal height, landing with low flaps, using idle reverse thrust after landing, and turning off one or two engines to glide.

  • Optimal Height

With permission by air traffic control, the flight crew is encouraged to actively request air traffic control to allow them to maintain aircraft at optimal for optimal aircraft performance.

  • Optimal Center of Gravity of an Aircraft

Accurately calculate the aircraft’s optimal center gravity position and weight and balance to enhance fuel efficiency.

  • Optimal Total Cost Index

Calculate the flight route and altitude in line with safety and fuel saving by computer, thereby saving aircraft fuel.

Ground Service Control

Improving flight plan accuracy, optimizing glide and cruise, and replacing APU with aircraft tractor power, using ground power and air conditioning systems.

Green Flights

Ensuring accurate refueling, optimizing selection of alternate station, reviewing fuel-saving service bulletin and technical instructions.

Periodic Maintenance

Intensifying engine washing operations, aircraft cleaning, aircraft resistance monitoring, onboard aviation kit checking, and GPU ground handling rate.

Aircraft Weight Reduction

Reducing the weight of service trolleys and papers, optimizing the amount of water added to the aircraft, adopting new lightweight baggage container, and reducing the weight of cabin service items.

Aircraft Maintenance

In compliance with corporate environment management mechanisms of international standards ISO 14001 and ISO 50001, CAL is dedicated to the details of daily aircraft maintenance operations. Energy saving and environmental friendly applications can be spotted throughout our operation processes.

Through the implementation of energy management system, CAL oversees major energy aspects in the operating environment. In conjunction with the company's SDGs and carbon reduction targets, annual performance targets were established and executed. Key highlight measures are as follows:

  • Refitted scrapped fuel vehicles into electric vehicles, saving machinery equipment and energy expenditure.
  • Improved working environment, such as using light grey epoxy to paint the hanger floor to enhance the lighting effect.
  • Continued to promote the replacement of energy-saving lighting equipment, install automatic lighting controls, and enhance the behavior management.

CAL actively optimize operating process, and check and grasp the opportunities of water saving. At the same time, environmental friendly and water-saving cleaning technology for aircraft was introduced to reduce the consumption of water resources and detergents, such as ECOSHINE from 2016 and Callington cleaning program from 2020, a total of 1,338 tons of water was saved in 2021. Furthermore, the Maintenance Park recycles qualified discharge water for car washing, landscape pool refilling, plant watering, and initial washing of A/C wheel hubs. The wastewater reuse up to 2.81 thousand tons in 2021.

Set up professional wastewater plants and dedicated organizations for handling waste electrolyte (containing heavy metals, such as chromium and cadmium) from electroplating processes during aircraft maintenance and cleaning processes, and domestic wastewater produced within the Maintenance Park area. So far, wastewater treatment in the Maintenance Park area has reached 100% treatment and recycling target.

China Airlines Wastewater treatment

Note: NDI: Nondestructive Inspection

Install air pollution control facilities to reduce exhaust emissions from aircraft painting or paint removal operations. CAL uses eco-friendly paints to reduce the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by painting and paint removal operations. CAL also formulates plans to replace old vehicles, implements the stop idle policy, and promotes the vehicle electrification in order to reduce the environmental impact.

China Airlines waste gas emission treatment
Reason for stopping incineration
  • Use Environmental friendly paint and paint remover
  • Total amount of emission is less than the control standard (20 tones)
  • Filtered waste gas emission meet emission standard

A goal of 100% recycling rate has been established with the annual KPIs covering waste aviation fuel, lubrication oil, waste wooden pallets, waste metal, waste solution, waste solvents, waste plastic, waste paper, waste electric wires and cables, waste light sources, and kitchen waste, etc. In order to reduce the environmental load of waste materials.

Environmentally Friendly Offices

CAL's carbon reduction concept is implemented across daily office operations. We start from the details, with calculated resource consumption, of materials such as water, electricity, and paper, and thoroughly carry out our measures through implementing target management and staff education, thereby generating substantial carbon reduction benefits. The key measures are as follows:

Electricity Saving Efforts

Introduced renewable energy facilities (e.g., solar photovoltaic system), adjusted lighting control zone, replaced energy saving lighting equipment, installed variable frequency drive (VFD) equipment, replaced energy-intensive equipment, optimized air conditioner settings, regularly examined electricity consumption, and promoted energy saving habits.

Fuel Saving Efforts

Gradually promoted the procurement of low-carbon / electric transportation equipment, prioritized the procurement of hybrid business vehicles, controlled the use of business vehicles, performed regular maintenance services for old vehicles, and promoted policies for low carbon drivers and combined crew vehicle schedules. Regularly review fuel consumption and promote fuel-saving/environmental driving concepts.

Water Conservation Efforts

Set up rain water recycling systems, increased waste water recycling rates, adopted products with Water Conservation Mark, regularly reviewed water resource consumption, and promoted concepts of water conservation.

Paper-Saving Efforts

Promoted paperless processes, adopted double-sided printing and implemented the central system for paper package distribution.

Waste Reduction Efforts

Monitored and reviewed the overall waste output, performed waste management using five major principles: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair, to increase rate of recycle and reduce use of waste products.

Green Buildings

CAL designed and developed its global headquarters with four major indicators of green building: "Green area," "Base Water Conservation," "Daily Energy Saving," and "Water Resources". Prior to commencing operations in 2010, CAL obtained a Green Building Candidate Certificate. By ongoing improvement in management and hardware enhancements, the Headquarters Administrative Center and Crew Center obtained the Diamond-level Green Building Certification from the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior since 2017. Moreover, CAL actively introduce renewable energy, such as installing “Electric Power Regeneration Device” and “Solar Photovoltaic Device.” The overall spontaneous power generation is mainly for self-use, and has obtained the National Renewable Energy Certificate (T-REC), actively responding to Taiwan renewable energy development policy.

Energy-saving outer walls

Low-E (low radiant) glass and sun shading boards are used in exterior walls to reduce radiant heat. In cooler seasons, natural ventilation and roof heat insulation devices are used to reduce the use of air conditioning and thereby saves energy. Fine lighting can also reduce lighting loads.

Air conditioning

Use the systems of VFD Chiller which can automatically control the number of units according to the temperature and loads. The systems can save 20% electricity consumption than non-variable frequency systems. We also set up the office circulation fans to adjust indoor wind field and have better comfort environment for staff.

Energy-saving lighting

Open windows to let in the natural sunlight and use the high-efficiency lamps in office area, such as energy-saving label LED lamps with one-by-one configuration and hand loops.

Adjusting the amount of contracting electricity

Depending on the power consumption of CAL headquarter, the contractual capacity of the electricity gradually reduced from 6,000KW in 2010 to the current 2,700KW.

Special tiles capable of grass

A multi-layer planting method is adopted; Trees on the upper layer have a space of 5 to 6 meters in between, so that seedlings can have sufficient room to growth, whereas every 9 to 25 bushes on the lower layer occupy a space of one square meter. The grasslands are decorated with plants of various colors in different seasons.

Water retention and green planting

Water retention is part of the ecological water cycle. China Airlines expanded the green spaces and covered them with special titles capable of grass to boost the site's permeability and water retention.

Water saving devices

Use water-saving label products and devices, including water-saving faucets and toilets, automatic flushing sensor system and off-peak electricity timing irrigation system. All of these devices can save 15% to 20% of water use.

Water recycling system

Set up a rainwater recycling system and adjust the pipeline to recycle from the reclaimed water of central water dispenser and the crew training pool, and to use it as toilet water and watering garden plants. The recycling water system has a capacity of 1,300 tons.

Quality of drinking water

Adopted the central drinking water system, the drinking water end has both energy-saving and water-saving labels, and the water is regularly tested in accordance with drinking water quality standards.

Air Quality

Based on different spatial characteristics of the three buildings, central air-conditioning and outside air ventilation systems are installed, and the indoor plants are also placed inside the office to provide better air quality.

Use of green building materials

The offices, general training classrooms, and meeting rooms are furnished with eco-friendly materials that promote health, including water-based eco-friendly paints and lightweight partition walls. These materials have low emissions, low pollution, and low odor that could minimize health hazards.

Recyclable building materials

Major building materials, including structural steels, roofs, wall metal panels, glass curtains, natural stones etc., are all recyclable. Recycle and reuse waste resources at the construction sites. For example, concrete chunks are shattered and further used as the material for roadbeds in the CAL Park area.

Flight Training Center building

"T"shaped flight simulator building pays attention to privacy. Generator and simulator devices requiring no lighting are placed in the central space, whereas offices having lighting requirements are horizontally distributed on the two sides to take advantage of natural lighting.

Crew Center building

"H"shaped training and dispatching building is equipped with large-sized training facilities on both sides and designed with high ceiling. Dorners and curtains are also used on both side to let in sufficient natural lighting.

Administration Center building

"–"shaped headquarters building has a long and balanced space planning for offices and used curtains on both sides to let in sufficient natural lighting.

Waste Management

CAL considers the characteristics and output of the waste produced in the operation process, including general domestic waste from office operations, hazardous / general industrial waste in maintenance operations, and recyclable resources and kitchen waste from transportation services (as shown in the figure). The Company implements waste management in accordance with five major principles: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover in the implementation of fuel conservation, water conservation, and paperless services. We seek to reduce waste of resources while reducing GHG emissions. We also established short, medium, and long-term management plans for waste derived from different types of operations. CAL's objective is to reduce waste volume, increase the waste recycling rate year after year, and recycle 100% of waste.

Waste Flowchart

Objectives 2023 2025 2030

Recycle general recyclable waste


Reduce general unrecyclable waste output
(compared to 2018)

5% 7% 12%

Increasing industrial waste recycling ratio

43% 45% 50%

Reducing paper consumption
(compared to 2018)

14% 30% 50%
Objectives 2023 2025 2030

Reduce total cabin waste
(compared to 2018)

25%(Note 1) 50% 65%

Reduce use of single-use plastic (SUP) for in-flight services by

50% 90% 100%

Reduce the per capita food waste of in-flight service
(compared to 2020)

5%(Note 2) 10% 25%

Note 1:The scope of the cabin waste reduction objectives consists mainly of cabin waste for flights returning to Taiwan and does not include waste generated during meal preparation.

Note 2:As the meal format has been adjusted due to the pandemic, food waste of 2020 was adopted as the baseline year for the management targets.

ECO Service

CAL proposed the ECO-service - based brand image and revolved around the concepts of Creative Invention, Technological Application, Environmental Protection, Sensible Interaction, and Trusting Relation. Through electronic, mobile, and cultural innovative services, CAL instills customer awareness to conserve the earth's environment.

Educational Promotions

To implement the environmental and energy policy, CAL organizes lively and diverse environmental training campaign every year to develop employees' awareness of environmental protection. Training programs are organized online or offline in Taiwan. To consolidate a sustainable brand image, CAL communicates the corporate concept and performance of environmental protection with stakeholders through social media and in-flight magazines in hopes of creating and spreading the awareness of green consumption.

Build a culture of environmental protection

Improve employees' recognition and awareness for environmental protection and sustainability, and then develop good daily behavior and habits.

Environmental education
  • CAL attaches great importance to environmental education for employees and requests all employees to participate in environmental management training.
  • CAL also communicates with new employees regarding the corporate policies and approaches to environmental protection and energy conservation in the course of “CAL and I”. The achievement rate has reached 100%. Beside, based on the achievement of animated micro film” Fly to ECO” in 2019, CAL designed the "CAL ECO Path" map in 2020 for the highlights of environmental protection actions in the headquarters park. In the map CAL provided five videos for internal and external visitors to understand and thus support CAL's environmental friendly operations.

Environmental Protection Videos

Knowledge-based education

Environmental knowledge

CAL published 24 articles and reports on environmental sustainability through internal communication platforms, such as employees' email, China Airlines newsletter, and the startup screen, in 2022.

Environmental protection contests and environmental protection satisfaction survey for all employees

CAL Organized 3 sessions of prize quiz activities to evaluate employees' awareness of internal and external environmental issues during different periods and collect improvement suggestions for the year. A total of 2,311 participants took part, with an overall satisfaction rate of 94.2%.

Environmental protection Lecture

CAL conducted one environmental lecture (Topic: Formosan black bear in Taiwan). The purpose of the lecture was to raise environmental awareness among all employees, and it was attended by a total of 123 colleagues.

CAL invited Dr. Huang Mei-Xiu, a professor at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology and the President of the Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association, to deliver a presentation on the topic "The Soul of Sustainable Forests in Formosa: The Story of Taiwan Black Bears." Dr. Huang shared insights and experiences regarding the conservation principles and efforts for Taiwan black bears.

Dr. Huang Mei-Xiu and the colleagues who attended both in person and online took a group photo together.

Cross-Industry Exchange

CAL conducted one cross-industry exchange event in 2022 to learn from the experiences of external companies in promoting environmental sustainability strategies with each other.

Cross-Industry Exchange with CTCI

CAL organizes training on environmental and energy management every year for the related competent personnel of the Company and affiliates, and selects dedicated staff to participate in external training and seminars as needed. In 2022, CAL conducted a total of 11 professional training sessions to meet operational requirements. These training sessions included topics such as "Environmental Energy Management System," "Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management," "TCFD Training," "CORSIA Concept Training," and the "Value Chain Environmental Management Conference" for group enterprises. These trainings aimed to provide operational staff and partners with a deeper understanding of project origins and operational details. In total, 407 individuals participated in these training sessions.