Environmental Initiatives
We collaborate globally for eco actions, showing our commitment and Taiwan’s sustainability to the world.
Environmental Initiatives
CAL actively supports and participates in the sustainability initiatives and organizations at home and abroad, expanding the environmental and sustainability vision of Taiwan's aviation industry internationally, while also allowing the world to see the sustainable Taiwan.
International Participation
In response to the increasingly stringent international regulations of carbon management and growing awareness of consumers on low-carbon development, despite being a member of Taiwan's aviation industry and challenged by international politics, domestic regulations, and technical R&D difficulties, CAL remains an active participant in domestic and international stakeholder negotiations. Through participating in relevant international associations and alliance meetings, CAL acquires first hand data, immediately discusses response targets and strategies, and also provide data to our government and think tanks, lobbying and providing assistance for establishing industry response strategies, thereby promoting our aviation industry to align with international potential competitions in and targets for sustainable development.
Since 2016

Flight Safety Foundation (FSF)
Through the foundation's industry – government exchange platform and functions, promote information communication and exchanges of flight operations and environmental protection between industry -government environmental protection departments.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
Served as FSF's convener of the technical regulations group, promoted and established systematized collection and research mechanisms for international flight safety and relevant regulations, and proposed regulatory amendments or recommendations for the formulation of response strategies to relevant units and institutions, thereby improving the domestic regulatory environment and industry competitiveness.
Since 2015

International Air Transport Association(IATA) Sustainability and Environment Advisory Council(SEAC) since (2020~2022),(2024~) / Environment Committee,(2015~2020)
Assist IATA committee to devise global aviation industry environmental management and sustainable development policies and strategies, and supervise and execute relevant strategies and programs.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
Served as a member/observer, participated in the discussion of international civil aviation environmental affairs, and supported investigations and studies on relevant environmental discussions.
Since 2014

Association of Atmosphere Protection in Taiwan (AAPT)
Promote atmosphere protection in Taiwan, including protecting the ozone layer, preventing greenhouse effect, and improving air quality, as well as facilitating international exchange.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
Serving as one of the directors, CAL assists in promoting the atmosphere-protection related national policies, regulations, academic exchange, technological R&D, and industry–government exchange to provide counseling and services.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Global Market-Based Measure (GMBM) planning processes.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
As a member of the IATA delegation, CAL actively participates in ICAO side events and technical negotiations, and collects meeting data. In addition to the use of internal analytic processes,

Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC (CAA)
According to the outlook suggested by ICAO's Basket of Measures, CAL encourages and promotes industries to adopt voluntary reduction management measures, promotes the National Airlines Company Promotion of GHG voluntary Reduction process, and facilitates domestic low-carbon transportation service environment.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
Integrate corporate Carbon Management Task Force’s resources to evaluate operation conditions, in order to set stipulate, and release China Airlines Voluntary Greenhouse Gases Emission Reduction Statement. Devised Aviation Passenger Transportation Service—Carbon Footprint Product Category Rules (PCR) with CAA in 2016, and then received the carbon label in 2017 and carbon reduction label in 2020 from Environmental Protection Administration.
Since 2013

EPA—Clean Development and Carbon Rights Management Strategic Alliance
Assist industry through low carbon transformation, create carbon reduction opportunities, promote industry cooperation while assume responsibilities of corporate sustainability.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
As a founding member of EPA's Clean Development and Carbon Rights Management Strategic Alliance, CAL actively exchanges carbon management experience and opinions with the industry, government, and the academic field, helps navigate through grasping the global trend of the development of carbon management in the international aviation industry, assists industries through low carbon transformation, and facilitates industry collaborations toward sustaibability.

Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA)
Executive committee
Acquire aviation regulations of various nations, provide member information exchange, support industry development and process complaints.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
Invited to serve as a member of AAPA's executive committee to participate in discussions on increasing aviation fuel efficiencies and developing biofuel strategies.

International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Air Cargo Carbon Footprint
Group (ACCF)
ACCF discusses the method used to calculate carbon footprint in the air cargo transport industry and the principles for information disclosure.
CAL's role of participation and response measures
As a member of the IATA ACCF, CAL participates in technical discussions to facilitate the production of RP1678 carbon footprint calculation guidelines.
Trans-Pacific Climate Observing System
Since 2007, CAL has participated in the "Pacific Greenhouse Gas Measurement (PGGM)" program, which is supported by the Taiwan and EU governments and implemented by the National Central University. The In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) Instrument is installed on the No. B-18806 A340-300 passenger aircraft, which was officially launched on June 26, 2012, making China Airlines the only airlines in Taiwan, the first airline in the Asia-Pacific area, the second airlines in the world to implement the EU IAGOS project. The upper-air observation data from the aircraft has contributed to the research of the institutes from Taiwan, EU and even the World Meteorological Organization (learn more from IAGOS). The device officially operated on Jun 26, 2012, making CAL the world's second, after Lufthansa, and Asia's first airline company to execute the IAGOS project. The aircraft was also the world's first civil aircraft equipped with IAGOS to collect high altitude gas data above the Pacific Ocean. The collected results have also been contributed to World Meteorological Organization's (learn more from WMO) and make which as an important reference for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The outstanding achievements have been unanimously affirmed by the governments of Republic of China (Taiwan) and the EU, and have been selected for inclusion in the important deeds of the ROC (Taiwan) National Yearbook.

PGGM Instrument Installation Diagram
IAGOS Collect Atmospheric Data
The IAGOS carrier is installed below the cockpit. The detection instrument extends from the fuselage to collect atmospheric data (water vapor, ozone, carbon monoxide, NOx, carbon dioxide) during each aircraft range, and automatically connects to Taiwan's, Japan's, and European and American satellite systems after landing to transmit data to European research organizations and provide live observational air pollution and climate change data, thereby enhancing the construction of the global climate model.
Add Two Additional A330-300 Observation Aircrafts
The PGGM project has achieved outstanding achievements so that two additional A330-300 aircrafts were added into the observation in 2016 and 2017. CAL was the first Airline in Asia to observe pacific climate using dual type aircrafts. The project was expanded to Oceania and assisted academic units save approximately NT$1.4 billion in aircraft dispatch cost each year. The efforts demonstrated CAL’s corporate social responsibility through the active contribution to global environmental protection. As of December 31, 2023, CAL has collected high-altitude gas data from 18,705 flights. CAL commenced collaboration with National Central University, In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) of the EU, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to install Package-2, the add-on components for Package-1 during 2023~2024. It will monitor changes in the concentration of NOx, CO2, and CH4. CAL became the second airline company in the world and the first airline company in Asia to be fitted with laser sensors for precision detection of CO2 and CH4. The project also promoted collaboration in scientific research between Taiwan, Japan, and the EU.
Ecological Conservation
To support the Biodiversity Convention, CAL and CAL Group have implemented transport policies that include the prohibition of transporting shark fin and non-human primates, eliminating illegal transportation, and committing to avoid using food ingredients derived from protected species. Additionally, CAL actively participates in discussions and engagements on international conservation transport operations through platforms such as IATA and AAPA. At the 73rd IATA Annual General Meeting, CAL, alongside other leading airlines, signed the Buckingham Palace Declaration and commits to align with IATA's "Guidance on Prohibited Carriage of Wildlife and Related Products by Passengers," aiming to prevent illegal trades of endangered animals and their products. Furthermore, CAL strives to raise awareness among passengers, suppliers, and employees about the detrimental consequences of engaging in illegal trades of endangered animals, while leading Taiwan's transportation industry to align with international sustainable transportation initiatives.
In 2022, in response to the global trend of forest and biodiversity conservation, CAL took a step further by introducing principles of sustainable biodiversity into supply chain management scheme. CAL led Taiwan's transportation and service industry in issuing the "Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Commitment”. Through the utilization of risk assessment tools and processes, CAL has reviewed its operational activities and locations to identify potential risks and implemented management measures to avoid or minimize negative impacts. In addition, CAL also actively supports and participates in important Taiwan and international initiatives focused on biodiversity conservation, restoration, and carbon sinks. With the actions and measures above, CAL commits to achieve the goal of net zero loss in biodiversity and enhance positive environmental and ecological outcomes.
We in CAL has implemented responsible procurement and supplier management practices to enhance biodiversity conservation. This involves requiring suppliers and partners to adhere to the "Supplier Code of Conduct" through training, communication, cooperation, management, and periodic audits. Our actions include:
- Establish and continuously review environmentally sustainable targets: 2050 carbon zero emissions, no net loss of biodiversity and no gross deforestation.
- Require suppliers and partners to adhere to environmentally sustainable policies through the signature and compliance management of the supplier code of conduct, including biodiversity conservation and forest preservation, and the adoption of mitigation hierarchy when operating in areas adjacent to key biodiversity.
- Promote green and local procurement practices, including food ingredients, by incorporating environmental and energy performance criteria into supplier selection and purchasing evaluations. Increase the proportion of goods procured that carry certifications related to sustainability, zero deforestation, and no net loss of biodiversity. Reduce environmental impacts throughout the upstream and downstream supply chain.
Due to the severity of global warming and climate change, the risks and carbon reduction have become essential aspects of corporate management. An increasing number of investment institutions and corporate clients are requesting companies or their suppliers to provide relevant data as a reference for investment cooperation. China Airlines, invited by the international independent non-profit organization CDP, has been participating in carbon disclosure including environmental management mechanisms, climate change risk management, and greenhouse gas verification data annually since 2012. CAL is the first transportation company in Taiwan to engage in and has been ranked as a leader in CDP Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) since 2019.
Additionally, in response to the Paris Agreement, CAL has been involved in the Science-Based Targets (SBT) initiative and related engagements since 2017. Following SBTi's publication of aviation industry guidelines in 2021. CAL signed the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in 2022 to ensure that related carbon reduction targets meet the global carbon reduction targets set in the Paris Agreement of the UN, and the targets have been approved by SBTi in June 2024.
Disclosure of Carbon Footprint
The carbon footprint is defined to assess the environmental impact of a product or service from GHG emissions from raw materials, production, transportation, and usage to disposal throughout the life cycle. In order to fulfill carbon management and carbon reduction responsibilities, CAL Group not only monitors its overall carbon emissions on an annual basis, actively promoting various energy-saving operations for key emission sources and responding to the coming Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), but also assumes the role of consumers to analyze and disclose their flight carbon emissions with actual data from fuel consumption and passenger/cargo loadings according to ICAO and IATA calculation methodology. China Airlines also launched the ECO TRAVEL offsetting program in 2018 to assist its customers in making their journey net emissions carbon neutral or zero carbon emissions.

2,356 Unit: Kg CO2 / person
Premium Economy
851 Unit: Kg CO2 / person
568 Unit: Kg CO2 / person
4,936 Unit: Kg CO2 / ton

Note 1: Passenger transport carbon footprint: Carbon footprint (Kg
CO2 / person) produced per passenger in the economy / premium economy / business cabin
Note 2: Cargo transport carbon footprint: Carbon footprint (Kg CO2 / ton) produced by
transporting 1 ton of cargo
Support the promotion of TCFD
CAL proactively responded to the development trend of international carbon management and is the first Taiwan transportation industry to sign support for TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) initiatives in 2018. TCFD was issued by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) which was established by the G20. China Airlines believes that TCFD can help enterprises to further improve the identification and control quality of risks and opportunities of climate issues, and through appropriate linking of financial information, TCFD can help strengthen the enterprise decision-making and management, and improve the communication and negotiation with stakeholders. China Airlines supported multiple industrial and governmental promotion events to assisted in promoting the development of TCFD in Taiwan. From 2020 onwards, CAL discloses an independent "Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Report", and publicly disclose the corporate sustainability website after reporting to the board of directors every year. For more information, please visit Concern for Climate Change
Local Actions
CAL is committed to maintaining the ecological integrity of land and marine areas and actively participates in international coastal cleanup activities. Since 2011, CAL has organized annual beach cleanup events in coastal areas such as Taoyuan, New Taipei City, and Kaohsiung. CAL supports sustainable forest management and actively engages in community-led coastal ecotourism initiatives. These efforts aim to raise awareness among employees about ecological conservation and contribute to the sustainable development of local communities. In 2022~2024, important actions taken by CAL for biodiversity conservation include:
In 2024, CAL continues to collaborate with Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture. We have expanded our adoption of 15,000 Tawania cryptomerioides and Taiwan Zelkova serrata in the 5.25-hectare forest land in Nanzhuang, Taiwan. In addition, we have added maintenance of the trail in cooperation with volunteers from local indigenous communities. We continue to support the concept of forest coexistence and shared prosperity with indigenous communities through our actions. This not only echoes the international trend of enhancing carbon sink functions but also implements the spirit of the Satoyama Initiative.
Nanzhuang Forest Restoration Project
To promote global climate stability and sustainable development in the areas of economy, society, and environment, CAL has collaborated with Hsinchu Forest District Office of the Forestry Bureau (reorganized into Hsinchu Branch of Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency(FANCA), Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture in 2023 ). Together, we have adopted and revitalized nearly 2 hectares of forest land in Nanzhuang, Miaoli. This reforestation project is carried out in cooperation with the local indigenous Saixia tribe, who are responsible for tree planting and nurturing. We have planted 4,250 native Taiwan Cypress trees, known for their excellent carbon sequestration capabilities. It is estimated to sequester about 65 metric tons of carbon within two years after becoming mature forest, thereby contributing to the positive cycle of the UN SDG.
- According to research provided by FANCA, a 20-year-old tree can absorb approximately 11 to 18 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, depending on the species.
CAL plants trees in Taoyuan
In response to Taoyuan City’s eco-city afforestation plan, China Airlines plant hundreds of native plants such as Taiwan Incense Cedar, Camphor tree, and Red Cedar in Taoyuan cultural landmark “Hengshan Calligraphy Art Park” in 2022 Q1. Those trees species are with high carbon adsorption capacity, and the 5-year carbon absorption capacity is about 1.1 tons of CO2. China Airlines is the first enterprise to propose a “sustainable shading afforestation” proposal to Taoyuan City Government, and voluntarily extends the maintenance period from one year to five years.
Exploring the Guanxin Algal Reefs
CAL participated in the “Coastal Environmental Education Site - Exploring the Guanxin Algal Reefs” experience activity, organized by the Taoyuan Coastal Management Office and undertaken by the local community development association. The activity included guided tours and on-site observations to deepen participants’ understanding of the local coastal environment and culture. This engagement exemplifies our commitment to sustainable development and community cohesion.