Sustainable Environment
Prosperous Society
Corporate Governance

Environmental Governance

We’re committed to Earth’s sustainability and strive for operational excellence. We aim to be an eco-friendly benchmark in aviation.

Environmental Governance

China Airlines recognizes the value and irreversibility of the environment, and understands the corporation's responsibility and obligations to protect natural resources and the environment.

Our Principles and Policies

China Airlines has established the principles and policies of environmental and energy management in accordance with the codes of Fostering a Sustainable Environment in the China Airlines Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles which is announced by the Board of Directors. China Airlines also combined with the UN's SDGs to develop guidance strategies to ensure that the company’s operations move toward the direction of sustainable development, environmental friendliness, energy conservation and low-carbon emissions, and promise a beautiful earth and happy future for the next generation.

The Principles of Environmental and Energy

Environmental Promotion Strategies

China Airlines implements environmental management with systematic risk management concept, and actively establishes corporate environmental risk management mechanism. Through establishment of environmental organizations and announcement of environmental policies, China Airlines conducted the phased introduction of ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, and ISO 50001 Energy Management System, along with the staff education and key performance indicators (KPI) setting and implementation, and gradually deepen the corporate environmental culture of PDCA continuous improvement. The goal of comprehensive coverage and effective control over the overall corporate environmental and energy risk management is thus achieved to ensure the sustainable development of company operations.

In response to increasingly stringent international environmental regulations and heightened awareness of low-carbon consumption, CAL has adopted and continuously improved systems such as ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and ISO 14064. With a “life cycle” perspective, a stable promotion, prevention, coexistence, and co-prosperity attitude, and forward-looking business thinking, CAL continuously deepens its understanding of stakeholder concerns and internal and external environmental and energy risks and opportunities. This approach leads the entire industry and value chain to enhance sustainable value.

Environmental, Energy, and Carbon Management Strategies

Management Organization

To achieve policy objectives, CAL established the Corporate Environmental Committee in 2011 with the President as the top management and the Sustainable Development Center as the executive secretary. Based on business attributes, five major environmental management committees and an Aircraft Fuel Management Team were formed. These are supported by internationally compliant risk management systems to monitor and control the environmental, energy, and climate change risks and opportunities across headquarters, domestic and international branches, maintenance operations, passenger and cargo services, supply chain, and group/value chain partners. This includes improving aircraft fuel efficiency, thereby covering the full scope of corporate operations.

Each Environmental Management Committee/Fuel Management Team is led by head of the major business department who serve as management representatives. They report management performance quarterly to the top management. Additionally, through regular Sustainability Committee and Board of Directors and its Committees meetings, relevant risks and opportunities, as well as various control and promotion plans, are reported to the Board of Directors.

CAL Environmental Management Operation Logics

Corporate Environmental Committee Organization

Image Map

Additionally, functional task forces have been established to address major issues: Carbon Management Task Force, Sustainable Alternative Fuel Task Force, and TCFD Task Force. These task forces hold regular meetings to discuss the reduction and offset management of greenhouse gas emissions, the promotion of sustainable aviation fuel, and international developments in TCFD/TNFD-related topics. Response strategies are formulated, and operational performance and implementation outcomes are tracked and improved.

Note:The Sustainable Aviation Fuel Task Force responsible is for laws and regulations study, aircraft airworthiness, operating technology, ground handling support procedures and strategic operations planning.